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Ergonomic assessment are used to prevent further or recurring injuries

An ergonomic assessment is an actual advisor's or other expert's assessment of a working environment and its goods, devices, and undertakings corresponding to the actual capacities of the specialist. It is otherwise called work exercises assessment and treatment.

Working in Office

Ergonomics Training/ Awareness Programs: LIVE Webinars/Training Programs

The Body Dynamics team can provide your organisation with a customized Webinar or in person session  that educates participants on basic of proper posture and body mechanics while working on laptop or desktop and chair adjustments, interactive exercises, advice on creative solutions for common discomforts, self helps sustainable ergonomics advice, and the latest research on how the environment impacts our work performance— even wrapped up with Q&A with the ergonomic specialist.


Ready To Get Started?

With our holistic approach, you are one step closer to your goal of greater happiness, energy, and health. 

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